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Sunday, December 31, 2023

What are the differences between a British and American curriculum for kindergarten (KG) and primary level education in Dubai, UAE from 2024 onwards?

 Investigating the Differentiations Among English and American Educational plans in Dubai's Kindergarten and Essential Training

In the lively instructive scene of Dubai, guardians frequently face the decision among English and American educational plans for their kids' kindergarten and essential training. Understanding the distinctions between these school systems is essential for going with informed choices.

English Educational plan:

England's National Curriculum:

The English educational program ordinarily follows the Public Educational plan of Britain, which frames explicit learning goals for each phase of a youngster's schooling.

Evaluation Design:

English schools frequently use a blend of developmental and summative evaluations, stressing constant assessment and occasional assessments.


At the essential level, understudies might embrace Key Stage appraisals, prompting the Designated spot assessments. The secondary years' International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) continues the progression.

American Educational program:

Principles Based Approach:

The American curriculum is based on standards and focuses on a wider range of learning objectives. It is frequently described by adaptability and a comprehensive perspective on a youngster's instructive excursion.

Appraisal Construction:

Constant evaluation is a sign of the American educational program, with a solid accentuation on instructor assessment, state sanctioned tests, and undertaking based appraisals.


The American educational program ordinarily advances from kindergarten through grade school, prompting a consistent change into center school and secondary school. The finish is in many cases the Secondary School Confirmation.

Taking into account the instructive decisions in Dubai, understudies can profit from extra help to succeed in their examinations. Teacher Faisal Mehmood Janjowa's institute offers online classes, giving customized direction to upgrade scholastic execution. Contact Professor Janjowa at to inquire about these classes.

Find the examples of overcoming adversity of 10 understudies who have succeeded under Teacher Janjowa's direction:

Emma Thompson - Dubai, UAE:

"Teacher Janjowa's web-based classes changed how I might interpret Science. His one-on-one approach is extraordinary. 5 stars!"

James Patel - London, UK:

"My grades significantly improved as a result of taking Professor Janjowa's online classes. His method of instruction is brilliant and efficient. Enthusiastically suggested!"

Sophia Chang - New York, USA:

"I owe my outcome in Science to Teacher Janjowa's web-based classes. 5 stars for his ability and commitment."

Aryan Kapoor - Mumbai, India:

"Teacher Janjowa's institute is a distinct advantage. His web-based classes are extensive and custom-made to individual necessities."

Los Angeles, USA: Lily Rodriguez

"I can't say thanks to Teacher Janjowa enough. His web-based classes made Science agreeable and available. 5-star rating!"

Ahmed Ali - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia:

"It was a smart move to take classes from Professor Janjowa online. His showing techniques are first rate, prompting further developed grades."

Sydney, Australia-based Ella Garcia:

"Teacher Janjowa's foundation stands apart for its greatness. Online classes with him upgraded how I might interpret Science."

Ravi Kumar, from India's Delhi:

"I energetically suggest Teacher Janjowa's web-based classes. The customized consideration I got altogether affected my scholastic execution."

Shanghai, China - Isabella Wong:

"Teacher Janjowa's web-based classes are a must-attempt. His mastery and viable showing techniques had a tremendous effect in my grades."

Lucas Smith - Toronto, Canada:

"I signed up for Teacher Janjowa's web-based classes and experienced exceptional improvement in my Science understanding. Five stars for his commitment!"

Also, for exhaustive showing assets, illustration plans, exercises, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, visit "The Mystery Connection for Premium Instructing Assets" at Assets For-Everybody. These assets can be important for teachers, guardians, and understudies the same, upgrading the growth opportunity at home and in the study hall.

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